Project Management
Project Management for Learner-Centered INITIATIVES
Opening a new school? Designing a micro-school?
Shifting your school or several schools to a new daily schedule?
Interested in re-thinking core instructional practices, like assessment practices or homework, with a range of stakeholders over the next year?
Adding an immersive program between semesters or at the end of the school year?
Extending learning beyond the classroom by using your city? Looking to add work-based experiences or industry credentials?
Engaging in a new partnership, but don’t have anyone on your staff to manage the relationship or help your team launch a new initiative?
In the busy day-to-day, even the best ideas, projects and initiatives can be hard to implement without strong project management. We partner with organizations, districts and school-based teams to create a clear road map for moving from idea to action.
Becoming the Leader You Want to Be
Leading an initiative, a division, a school, or an organization requires a range of skills and talents and a healthy dose of self-knowledge. If you are considering what’s next in your career, entering a new role, or taking on a new challenge in an existing role, coaching may be right for you.
In one-on-one sessions, you will:
Increase your self-knowledge
Clarify challenges and opportunities in your professional life
Consider the choices available to you and determine a plan of action
Strategic Moves: Building Skill and Will
Pre/Post-Strategic Planning
Interested in moving in a learner-centered direction, but not sure what that means for your school?
We can:
Facilitate a dialogue about the deep learning and the future of schools with key stakeholders in your school community (Parents, Board Members, Senior Leadership, Teacher Leaders) before you launch a strategic planning process
Provide a forum for strategically considering what learning looks like at your school, district or organization (shared vision creation)
Supporting the implementation of a strategic plan
Capacity building for Chairs & Teacher Leaders
We can facilitate customized workshops on any of the following topics:
Middle Leadership: Department Chairs as change agents for learner-centered schooling
Meeting facilitation
Long-block teaching (moving from nine periods to a 60-120 minute block)
Supporting “early in career” faculty
Aligning day-to-day practices with elements of your school’s strategy for developing teachers
On-going coaching for individual chairs/teacher leaders (particularly those new to their roles)
(Re)Designing Your School’s Talent Cycle
We can partner with you to design an inspiring, sustainable talent cycle that supports deep learning. This might include a plan to:
Recruit and hire teachers with the “skill” and/or “will” to facilitate deep learning
Create teacher induction and mentoring program that build cohesion and align to your vision
Implement formative teacher development practices that support on-going learning and move beyond traditional evaluation
“Things remain the same because it is impossible to change very much without changing most of everything.”